Is it normal to spend more time and anxiety on your bridesmaids' dresses?! Throughout the wedding planning process I have had one HUGE problem. I get an idea of what I want and nothing, absolutely NOTHING, else will do.
Well, unfortunately, this has happened with the bridesmaid dresses. At first I wanted a blush pink dress... I could not find the right color. Then I decided to go with a silver dress... I could not find the right silhouette. And then I found it. The One. It was perfect! Irridecent taffeta in silver with a tint of light pink, peonies on the hip, beautiful fluffy feathers... It was, well, "it"! I have a big thing about: 1) Not supporting China knockoffs and 2) Not buying a dress sight unseen online. So I set out to find as much about this dress as possible. Even a swatch would make me happy. The designer is Alyce Designs and I immediately contacted all of the shops in the Pittsburgh area to find this dress. No one had it. So I commissioned my bridesmaids to check it out for me since they all live in different parts of Ohio. No one had it. I called ALL Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Maryland Bridal Shops... I didn't care if I had to travel hours to see a swatch of this beautiful dress. Then my Maid of Honor calls and tells me... The dress has been discontinued - they no longer make the feathers OR the fabric. I was heartbroken.
I then recieve another phone call from my MOH... They may have enough fabric to make us these dresses and needs to know everyones sizes! Persistance has paid off!!!! My MOH let me know that there is a swatch of the fabric waiting for her to view at a shop down the road from her and she is almost positive Alyce Designs will make us these dresses!!!!
My stomach is in knots - I just hope that the fabric is the perfect color. I have vetoed over a hundred dresses because this one is STUCK in my head!
Anyone else have bridesmaid dress drama!?
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